We are located at 711 Colborne Street at the corner of Colborne and Piccadilly Streets. One may enter the Church in 3 ways:
main front doors facing Colborne Street,
accessible entrance facing Colborne Street off of the laneway and
off Piccadilly Street.
We have one Sunday service, beginning at 10:30 a.m. People begin arriving shortly after 10:00 a.m., we do not require masking any longer or assigned seating.
Our building is accessible which includes an elevator to the upper hall and accessible washrooms; hearing assistive devices and large print bulletins are available; services are recorded and uploaded to YouTube as soon as they are available, and the service bulletins are available through email requests.
Voyago Bus Service is available; please contact the Church office for information.
Parking (including accessible parking) is available in the lot south of the Church and on neighbouring streets.
We love children of all ages. We have a Sunday School programs planned by our staff Sunday School coordinator for children ages 3 and up. They are assisted by adult volunteers. Children are welcome during worship and normally leave for Sunday School after the children’s story.
For children under 3, our Nursery and Toddler Room is staffed by a Coordinator and assisted by volunteers. Parents often bring their children under 3 to the Nursery/Toddler room before worship.
Volunteers with the children have had a London Police Service Police Vulnerable Sector Check.
Parents are always welcome to attend and observe any of our children’s ministries.
Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable! Our Church is air-conditioned in the summertime.
Usually, the service is an hour in length, but sometimes a little bit longer. Everyone is welcome to join in a time of refreshments and fellowship following the service in the Upper Hall. This is a wonderful way to get to know Colborne’s Church family.
Colborne’s Mission Statement
Colborne Street United Church is a welcoming Christian home where, through the unconditional love of Jesus Christ, we endeavour to reach out through word and deed to people of all ages and needs within and outside our community of faith.
All surfaces are sanitized and ready for Sunday service and cleaned afterwards. We have also purchased 2 Heppa Filter machines to clean the air before and after services and events. They will take out allergens including the COVID virus. Masking is at your discretion and comfort level.