The Prayer Shawl Ministry is an important outreach ministry for our Colborne family. People may obtain a prayer shawl from either of the two racks used to display them. One rack is located in the sanctuary, the other in the parlour.

In 2019 there were 34 shawls made and 12 were given out. In total, 164 shawls have been given to known recipients, and 38 given out anonymously.

It is hard to put into words how meaningful the shawls are to those who receive them. The words on the card which can accompany the shawl express the intent of the gift of a prayer shawl: This shawl is made especially for you. We hope that as you surround yourself with this shawl it will not only keep you warm but remind you that you are not alone. Each time you use it may the warmth of God’s love, peace, and comfort be with you. If you know of someone to whom you would like to gift a Colborne prayer shawl, please contact the office for assistance in getting one.

​If you knit or crochet and would like to join Colborne’s Prayer Shawl Ministry, please speak to the office. We are happy to provide patterns and yarn. Thank you to ALL who make this ministry possible.