Our Organ
Organ Specifications
Original Construction - Woodstock Pipe Organ Builders, 1936
Console Reconstruction - Gabriel Kney and Company, 1964
Tonal Revisions - Gabriel Kney and Company, 1978
Console and Tonal Revisions, 1992
The instrument has a total of 30 stops controlling 36 ranks of pipes. altogether there are 2, 223 pipes. the present Casavant Freres Limitee console was originally built for First Baptist Church in Ottawa. A new solid-state capture system with 8 channels of memory was installed. The organ is maintained by Dodington and Dodington Pipe Organ Services.
* Indicates pipework that was new in 1978 or has been substantially altered and revoiced.
** Indicates pipework that was new in 1992, or has been substantially altered and revoiced.